Find out if your mark is available for registration.

Get peace of mind and advanced strategy. Make sure your mark is available before you spend time and money applying.

  • Easy to read comprehensive report sent to you electronically.
  • Save the non-refundable USPTO fees if your mark is rejected.
  • We search international, domestic, state and domain name databases for similar names.
Packages start at $149 View Packages

Why conduct a comprehensive trademark search

Make sure your anticipated mark is available before you apply for trademark registration.

Avoid getting sued

Protect yourself from lawsuits and heavy fines by making sure you don’t end up infringing someone else’s trademark unintentionally.

Remove doubts before filing

Our search report unveils potentially conflicting trademarks at a state, federal, or international level so you can feel confident about your mark before filing.

Save time and money

Before you invest your time and money into your business, see if anyone else has registered or filed a trademark that’s similar to yours.

Our Trademark Search Process

Get your mark searched to eliminate any doubts or conflicts.

Tell us about your mark

Fill a brief questionnaire and provide details about your trademark for us to initiate your comprehensive trademark search.

We conduct the search

Our trademark search experts run a comprehensive search for you using manual and AI-powered search tools.

Get results via email

You receive an easy-to-read trademark search report along with a free evaluation call from one of our Trademark Specialists.

Trademark Search Pricing

Federal Search


Fill out our simple form with relevant queries related to your trademark.

  • Trademark Search

    Search of pending, active, and inactive federal trademarks to uncover potential conflicts.

  • Linked classes

    Search trademarks in related classes of products (goods) and services.

  • Ranked results

    Search results ranked using statistical analysis

Get started

Federal, State, & Common Law Search


Everything from Federal Search plus:

  • Business/Corporate names

    Search of more than 20 million Secretary of State filings for identical or similar names

  • State trademarks

    Search of state registered trademarks using statistical analysis.

  • Common law trademarks

    Search of common law trademarks being used online and on social media networks

  • Internet domain names

    Search of identical and very similar internet domain name registrations

Get started

Global Search


Search of identical and very similar internet domain name registrations

  • International search

    Search of pending applications (where available), and registered international trademarks including:

  • Asia
  • Canada
  • The United Kingdom
  • The European community
  • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Get started

Let Trademark Just search your mark

A search will help avoid obvious duplications of pre-existing marks.

Why run a search?

If the USPTO rejects your application, the fees to Trademark Just and the USPTO are not refundable. If your company is just beginning, it’s better to make name changes now rather than invest in building a brand only to learn that you have to change the name and lose all of your goodwill.

The team is awesome. Very professional and easy to work with.

Darlene Murphy

Trademark Search Customer

12,000+ Reviews

12,000+ Reviews

Satisfied Customers

Trusted by over 10,000 businesses. Protect your intellectual property with confidence.

Common Questions: Comprehensive Trademark Search

If you have more questions, please give us a call or chat now with one of our Certified Trademark Specialists.

  • What's the difference between a basic and a comprehensive search?

    The basic search is where we try to look for exact matches (or direct hits as we like to call them) in the federal database to see if someone else has already registered the same mark. However, in the comprehensive search, we do a thorough examination of all those marks that are exact or similar to your mark including the ones that are not registered.

  • Is a search of federal and state trademark databases enough to uncover a possible conflict?
  • How do I know whether my anticipated trademark is available?